Acoustics on the way to Europe
Phonolook Acoustics by Eterno Ivica was chosen by numerous important design studios for prestigious building sites.

New projects with Acustica products
Eterno Ivica and its products for sound-insulation in the world

Acustica's products in a new luxury hotel in Venice
Excellent acoustic insulation thanks to Eterno Ivica

Construction of "Galletti 1" Residence
Construction of "Galletti 1" Residence Via Raffaele Carrieri, 90121 Palermo
Lacchiarella Residential Housing Complex - Milan
P.E.E.P. subsidized housing construction - Lot 2LA6 - Lacchiarella (MI) - currently underway Planner: Arch. Franco Aprà – Milan Worksite manager: Ing. Galeazzo M. Conti - Milan Developer: Cooperativa Edilizia Mezzabarba – Lacchiarella (MI)